Chuck Goodin, Young Adult, Camp, and Sports Ministries Director, talks with SAConnects (magazine) about the importance of strong friendships, becoming a Christian at 18, and how the arts can bring us closer to God.
I became a Christian when I was 18. I was in a tight-knit group of friends in high school. Our biggest concern at the time was when we were going to throw the next party. It was pretty much how we lived every day. But one of them discovered God’s love, and over the next few years, each of us became a Christian as well. We are still very close, and each of us serves the Lord in our own lives. I’m thankful that my life took a direction towards Christ, and that it was done with close friends along the way.
Moving from place to place in my childhood also made me appreciate traveling, and the outdoors. To me, daily sunshine is something that we should all strive for. I love to be outside as much as I can, especially to play a round of disc golf. If they told me I could have an outdoor office today, I would jump at the opportunity.
The friends I have made over my life are like family. My father worked for the Department of Defense, so we moved around quite a bit. Every few years, we moved to a new location. I guess it was a bit like being a military brat (or a Salvation Army officer’s child). Sometimes it was difficult to leave everything behind, but wherever I went, I was lucky that I could make friends quickly and develop strong relationships. I try to live my life thinking: If we’re going to be friends, let’s be good ones, or even best friends. That comes from my childhood, having to make those friends quickly and adapting to each new place, and then working hard to stay in touch when you have to go. You never want to start over when you have a good friendship with someone.
Chuck Goodin performing in the musical “Stoned.”
The daily guidance of God and the Holy Spirit is important in my life. I try to listen to Him speak every day, and communicate back to Him. I’m constantly amazed that the Creator of the universe wants to have a personal relationship with me, and with each of us.
Whether theater, cinema, or visual, the arts are fascinating to me. It’s hard to put into words why the arts are so important in our lives, but I feel they’re one of God’s greatest gifts. They enable us to see something that is greater than ourselves. They help us realize what can be out there beyond our own existence and circumstances. It can also give us a deeper understanding of God, because we create, as He created us. Life would be so dull without the gift of the arts.
interview by Hugo Bravo