What is Adventure Corps?

The Adventure Corps program consists of the Explorer program (Grades 1-5) and the Ranger program (Grades 6-12). The Explorer and Ranger programs are organized into individual troops, and sponsored by the local Salvation Army corps.

What is the purpose of this program?

The purpose of Adventure Corps is to provide a program that gives a boy an opportunity for personal growth spiritually, mentally, physically, and socially; and to increase his understanding of service to others by exploring God’s Word and God’s world.

This purpose is expressed in the Adventure Corps Pledge, Prayer and Motto, which must be understood by all members, and are the guiding principles for all programs and activities.


“Adventure with Christ”

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I promise to explore God’s Word and God’s world
to find ways to serve Him and help others;
to develop and guard good habits so that I will grow as God desires;
and to adventure into the world with the “good news” of Jesus Christ.

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Lord Jesus, help me to discover You as the Way, the Truth and the Life, and to find for myself that following You is the greatest adventure of all.

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  • Be in at least the sixth grade
  • Attend four troop meetings
  • Recite the Prayer, Pledge, and Motto


[button style=’green’ url=’https://drive.google.com/drive/u/1/folders/0B4Zocj7ng9-JSTJPX1dJOXhEZzQ’]Download Resources[/button] [/column] [column size=’1/2′]








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