Corps Cadet Awards Spring 2020

Congratulations to the Corps Cadets in our territory who achieved an award for Spring 2020! See all their names on the poster below:


Social Distancing Corps Cadet Resource

Click for the full PDF!

  1. The whole document is fill-able.
  2. There’s an area to indicate which month the form is for.
  3. Corps Cadets can obtain up to 50 points which will allow them to earn 100 points / month.

Corps Cadets Materials Spring 2020 – English

[button style=’red’ url=’’ icon=’iconic-down’]View All Corps Cadet Resources on Google Drive[/button]

Materiales de Corps Cadets Primavera 2020 – Español

[button style=’red’ url=’’ icon=’iconic-down’]Curso B Evaluación[/button] [button style=’red’ url=’’ icon=’iconic-down’]Libro Estudiante[/button] [button style=’red’ url=’’ icon=’iconic-down’]Páginas Maestro[/button] [button style=’red’ url=’’ icon=’iconic-down’]Curso B Registro[/button]

Special Observances Sunday

The aim and focus of the Spring Corps Cadet Sunday material is evangelism. As Christ followers, we have the ultimate Good News in the person of Jesus Christ. We are called to share that good news and to go and make disciples. The theme is “The Urgency of the Gospel.”

[button url=’’ button style=’orange’ fullwidth=’false’]CC Sunday Material[/button]


What is a Corps Cadet?

A corps cadet is a young Salvationist who undertakes a course of study and training in his own corps in order to become more effective and efficient. The whole program is designed to enhance the value of his future service as a soldier, local officer or officer.

What are the Objectives?

1. To provide an atmosphere in which spiritual growth can occur through Bible study, doctrine study, prayer fellowship, tithing, service, witnessing, spiritual counsel of corps officers and locals.

2. Provide opportunities for development of leadership skills.

3. Provide exposure to Salvation Army history, policies and procedures.

4. Provide training and opportunities to develop soul-winning experiences through visitation campaigns, outdoor evangelism, witnessing, and eventually discipling other corps young people.
